In a devastating incident, over 85 villagers lost their lives during a gathering commemorating Maulud in Tundun Biri village, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The Nigerian Army, operating a drone targeting terrorists, inadvertently bombed the villagers, expressing regret for the unintended consequences.
Dahiru, a resident deeply affected by the tragedy, shared his grief with BBC Hausa, recounting the horror of the unexpected airstrikes during the annual Maulud celebration. The first bomb, without warning, claimed the lives of innocent people, including women and children. As residents rushed to aid the injured, a second bomb hit, further increasing the casualties. Dahiru revealed the profound personal loss, stating that his family alone lost 34 members, with 66 loved ones currently receiving medical care at Barau Dikko hospital.
President Bola Tinubu responded to the heartbreaking incident with a statement expressing sadness. Through his spokesperson, Ajuri Ngelale, President Tinubu described the bombing as unfortunate, disturbing, and painful. He directed a thorough investigation into the incident, urging calm as authorities diligently look into the matter. The president extended his sympathies to the families of the victims and conveyed condolences to the people and government of Kaduna State, acknowledging the gravity of the loss caused by the bombing mishap.
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